
Spot instances VS Reserved instances. What’s the difference and which one is better to choose? (Ukrainian)

June 6, 2022 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM

Spot instances VS Reserved instances. What’s the difference and which one is better to choose? (Ukrainian)

Many people think that Spot instances and Reserved instances are almost the same. Nevertheless, they serve cloud cost optimization — Spots and RIs have different purposes, goals, and pricing characteristics.

In our webinar “Spot instances VS Reserved instances. What’s the difference and which one is better to choose?” we will explain how Spot instances differ from Reserved instances. We will discuss their advantages and disadvantages and provide recommendations about the feasibility of using Spot instances and Reserved instances.

Join us and get complete information about solutions that will help optimize your cloud costs.

Invited speakers:

Anton Grishko
Chief Architect
at Profisea Labs

Stanislav Kolenkin
Senior Solutions Architect/DevOps
Manager at Profisea

P.S. Can’t take part in the live webinar? Do not worry. Register and we will send you a recording after the broadcast.

June 6, 2022 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM


7.00 PM – 8.00 PM

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