Discovering FinOps with Uniskai has created a culture of cost awareness!

First Ukrainian International Bank Case Study Client

Customer profile

FUIB, First Ukrainian International Bank, is a trusted financial institution that has become a business adviser and banking service provider to over 1.5 million individual and
corporate clients.

FUIB implements core banking systems including credit card applications and transactions, processing more than a million financial transactions per day for clients’ accounts, POS terminals and ATMs. FUIB has also developed several
systems to provide customers and partners with remote banking services.

Partnership Goals

FUIB’s journey with AWS began several years ago. Today, their environments consist of multiple EC2 instances for development and production. To support this complex cloud infrastructure, the IT teams leverage open-stack solutions
such as Angular, React, NodeJS, nginx, WildFly Swarm, OAuth 2.0, Docker, Kubernetes, Elastic, Swagger, and various databases on the backend like PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, IBM DB2, Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase IQ, etc.

Continuously growing, FUIB required a flexible infrastructure that could easily scale to meet customer demand. To prevent system failures, engineering teams had overprovisioned machines, which resulted in unwanted cloud waste. As
their infrastructure expanded, so did the AWS bill. To optimize cloud costs and manage their complex cloud environments, the DevOps team needed a comprehensive FinOps solution that could give FUIB the continuous features it needs,
such as:

Why Uniskai by Profisea Labs

Uniskai by Profisea Labs, developed by a team of skilled DevOps and FinOps experts, enables customers to see, manage, analyze, and improve their cloud infrastructure. To
simplify monitoring and maximize resources in multi-account environments, the platform offers architecture diagrams that give a comprehensive perspective of the complete infrastructure.

Based on AI algorithms, Uniskai monitors system utilization and offers appropriate recommendations – with no harm to business performance – to cut down on cloud expenditure and stay within the cloud budget.

Achieving FinOps goals

Cloud infrastructure audit. FUIB’s engineering team leveraged Uniskai by Profisea Labs to find and identify flaws and inefficiencies hidden within the company’s IT system, which helped to identify over 10% of “hidden” cloud
spending on support. To get a better understanding of the whole cloud infrastructure and gain insight into areas that needed improvement, FUIB’s engineers used detailed monitoring via Cloudlist, Cloudnet, and Cloudmap.

Uniskai also tracked down and estimated all potential vulnerabilities in the entities, providing the customer with appropriate recommendations to minimize costs, protect sensitive and private information, and improve overall cloud
infrastructure performance.

Intelligent waste management. Uniskai’s Waste Manager found FUIB’s cloud resources that were duplicated, unattached, or of the wrong size and checked when they were created. The DevOps team now has all of them listed on the
Dashboard with their specifics, including the location of the volume or incorrect-sized instance. Waste Manager always leaves one backup when dealing with actual backups, regardless of how old it is, since it may be the sole backup
for that particular instance.

Moreover, wrong-sized instances are also highlighted in the Waste Manager so the user can immediately consider any rightsizing suggestions.

The best part is that FUIB’s teams no longer have to perform manual sanity checks. All the cloud waste is automatically collected by the Waste Manager and is held ready for the cloud environment owner to make the final call on the
identified waste, with savings increasing relative to how soon this clean-up is conducted. Fast responses can save the company hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Automated rightsizing. To solve the issue of underprovisioning and overprovisioning, the engineering team implemented Uniskai’s Rightsizing feature. The AI-based auto-scaling technology now constantly analyzes utilization of
the cloud resources across all AWS accounts and automatically right-sized instances in accordance with real-time usage. In other words, Uniskai automatically increases or decreases an instance’s performance as soon as it reaches a
particular level of usage to avoid failure and to optimize cloud costs. The DevOps team may now provision cloud infrastructure based on actual consumption rather than overprovisioning as a safety measure.

Discovering FinOps. With Uniskai by Profisea Labs, the FUIB team have discovered FinOps as an operational and cultural framework that combines business, finance, and technology to promote financial accountability.
Furthermore, Uniskai has helped the engineering, management, development, and finance departments understand the complexities and difficulties inherent in a cost optimization strategy while accelerating the realization of business
value both on-premises and through cloud migration.

Uniskai features leveraged by FUIB

Cloudlist, Cloudnet, Cloudmap, Billing, Waste Manager, Rightsizing, Cloudsitter, Reservations, Account Manager.


Since FUIB onboarded Uniskai, the bank has benefited from full visibility into the AWS environment, less spending on AWS, zero failures, and real-time monitoring. Also, the DevOps engineers at FUIB provide instances with the least
number of resources required to operate their workloads.

Best of all, with Uniskai, FUIB discovered how a FinOps philosophy is their best insurance for ongoing maximization of their cloud savings, and it comes with minimal effort on their part.

As you are looking for a comprehensive FinOps platform –
book the Uniskai demo!