Amazon EKS Rightsizing: Uniskai Optimizes Kubernetes For Your Business Needs

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) simplifies the deployment and operation of Kubernetes on the AWS infrastructure. However, as with any technology, if you don't match Kubernetes configurations with your business needs, it's quite easy to overspend on Amazon EKS. And this is where rightsizing can help you cut your cloud costs when operating containers or microservices.

Why configure Kubernetes resources

A good starting point is to set up a pod through which you can then set up how much of each AWS compute resource a container requires. Requests and limits are the two types of resource settings that can be defined for each container in Kubernetes.

The minimal quantity of CPU, RAM, and other resources that an application needs to operate are defined as resource requests. The maximum quantity of CPU, RAM, and other resources that an application can use is defined by resource limits. Setting up a resource limit for a container means that the kubelet will enforce that limit, preventing the running container from using more resources than its configured limit.

AWS best practice for maintaining and optimizing Kubernetes clusters and apps is finding ways to assist DevOps engineers configure Kubernetes requests and limits accurately. Having said that, we should also mention that it can be pretty challenging to find the ideal balance.

Your Kubernetes nodes can suffer from over-provisioning if request and limit values are set excessively high. On the other hand, a wide range of problems, including low application performance, excessive infrastructure costs, and system breakdowns may occur if compute resources are allocated poorly.

By adjusting resource requests and limits for CPU and memory, you can ensure that:

  • apps have the compute resources they require to operate reliably and be waste free,

  • the number of nodes in your Kubernetes cluster is optimal for services and overall performance, and

  • Kubernetes system is operating efficiently, with no performance problems, instability, or overspend.

Uniskai by Profisea Labs: a superior agentless solution for Amazon EKS rightsizing

Even though your Amazon EKS settings are well-configured, you still have to check your cloud environment 24/7. Regular configuration and general optimization are critical steps in ensuring that resource efficiency and security are always optimized and that Kubernetes workloads have precisely the number of resources available to match your business needs.

It may therefore be incredibly advantageous to use Amazon EKS resource optimization tools such as Uniskai by Profisea Labs, which constantly analyzes Kubernetes performance and provides rightsizing recommendations.

Uniskai by Profisea Labs leverages its new agentless solutions to calculate the most appropriate Amazon EKS settings, while simplifying management, rightsizing, and scaling Kubernetes to meet your dynamic requirements. AI-based comprehensive cost optimization platform gives actionable recommendations that increase performance while removing wasted computing resources, allowing you to easily select the best CPU/memory requests and limits to modify your cloud resources.

Bottom line

At Profisea Labs, we believe that a healthy cloud infrastructure enables innovation. Our goal is to help companies of all sizes manage and optimize their cloud environments and achieve complete automation. Profisea Labs’ experts aim to simplify the trickiest tasks by making them more intuitive, while helping you optimize costs through asset management solutions built into our comprehensive DevOps/FinOps platform.

Uniskai by Profisea Labs eliminates cloud waste and makes your Kubernetes cluster run as effectively as possible with the appropriate amount of CPU, memory, and other compute resources. The platform provides data-driven Amazon EKS insights and forecasting to ensure optimal Kubernetes performance that matches your business requirements at the lowest possible cost.

If you are ready to optimize your cloud infrastructure – contact us now!